builder, puerto rico
Updates required to optimize Neuroflow for the MNIST dataset
Notes on working with the famous MNIST Dataset in JavaScript
Extend Neuroflow to support multi-class classification by implementing the softmax activation function and cross-entropy loss.
Creating Neuroflow by porting Andrej Karpathy's micrograd to JavaScript
A look at common PyTorch transforms for image preprocessing.
Exploring the Promise.race method and its practical applications
Notes on setting up a robots.txt file
Notes on some quirks of configuring an AWS S3 bucket when using Cloudflare for DNS management.
Some of my most used gmail keyboard shortcuts
Options on how to update __dirname in Node.js for ES modules
Useful Google script to classify all incoming emails using OpenAI
Why dot product is equal to cosine similarity when working with unit vectors
How to push data from an iframe to the parent window's dataLayer
Exploring the role and usage of super() in Python class constructors
A quick walk-through and overview of using PyTorch
Notes on setting up Parcel, Pug, and Markdown